CBuild wiki: Usage info

CLI arguments

Folder structure
 | - src                    : Project sources folder
 |    |
 |    | - main.cpp          : Have main() function implemented
 | - scripts
 |    |
 |    | - main.cpp          : Main file of CBuild user scripts, init CBuild and call user init
 |    | - user_init.cpp     : Implement user init function, have build sript implemented
 |    | - user_init.hpp     : Header to glue together two .cpp files
 | - cache                  : CBuild dir for some temporary data
 |    |
 |    | - headers           : Header of included CBuild projects
 |    | - libs              : .so / .a files of included CBuild projects
 |    | - tmp               : Directory for temporary runtime data of CBuild
 | - build
 |    |
 |    | - <toolchain_name>
 |    |    | - config                   : Hash storage directory
 |    |    |    |
 |    |    |    | - src.main.meta       : Metadata for src/main.cpp
 |    |    | - objs                     : Saved .o files of specified target
 |    |    | - out                      : Output files of specified target
 |    |    | - <toolchain_name>.meta    : Metadata for a full target
 | - CBuild.run                         : Main executable of CBuild

Some misceleanous info

Compiler calling convention

All compilations is done in two steps: compilation <compiler> -c <file> <arguments> -o <object> and then linking <linker> <objects> <arguments> -o <output binary>

Hasher general requirments

Class constructor need to take one argument of type std::string and pass it to a base class.

Function 'get_files_for_recompilation' need to construct a `lib::map<std::string, std::string>` of source->object mappings of files that need to be recompiled, files and objects array are for one set of files, `objects.at(1)` is an object for a source file at `files.at(1)`. So, this function need to produce a list of files that need to be recompiled and update stored metadata.

All other function need to return an int value acording to their doxygen docs and also update a coresponding metadata value.