C++ build system with scripts written in c++
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
21// C++ librarries
22#include "../../headers/map.hpp"
23#include "array"
24#include "stdlib.h"
25#include "string"
26#include "vector"
27// Project headers
37/* Build.hpp - arguments */
39 // Push compiler arg if it is not an empty string
40 if (arg != std::string("")) {
41 this->compiler_args.push_back(arg);
42 }
45 // Push linker arg if it is not an empty string
46 if (arg != std::string("")) {
47 this->link_args.push_back(arg);
48 }
50void CBuild::Toolchain::add_define(std::string def, std::string val) {
51 // Create buffer with base of define
52 std::string tmp = "-D";
53 // Add define only if it is not empty
54 if (def != std::string("")) {
55 tmp += def;
56 // If define value is something, add it
57 if (val != std::string("")) {
58 tmp += '=';
59 tmp += val;
60 }
61 this->add_compile_arg(tmp);
62 }
64void CBuild::Toolchain::add_undef(std::string def) {
65 // Create buffer with base of undefine
66 std::string tmp = "-U";
67 // Add undefine only if it is not empty
68 if (def != std::string("")) {
69 tmp += def;
70 this->add_compile_arg(tmp);
71 }
73void CBuild::Toolchain::add_include(std::string inc) {
74 // Create buffer with base of include
75 std::string tmp = "-include \"";
76 // Add only if incude is not empty
77 if (inc != std::string("")) {
78 tmp += inc;
79 tmp += "\"";
80 this->add_compile_arg(tmp);
81 }
84 // Create buffer with base of lib link
85 std::string tmp = "-l";
86 // Add only if lib name is not emoty
87 if (lib != std::string("")) {
88 tmp += lib;
89 this->add_link_arg(tmp);
90 }
92void CBuild::Toolchain::add_library_dir(std::string inc, std::string lib) {
93 // Create buffers with base of include and link pathes
94 std::string itmp = "-I";
95 std::string ltmp = "-L";
96 // Only if two pathes not empty
97 if ((inc != std::string("")) && (lib != std::string(""))) {
98 itmp += inc;
99 ltmp += lib;
100 this->add_compile_arg(itmp);
101 this->add_link_arg(ltmp);
102 }
104void CBuild::Toolchain::add_requirment(std::string task_, CBuild::stage run_stage) {
105 // Add required task only if it's id is non-empty
106 if (task_ != std::string("")) {
107 this->required.push_back_check(task_, run_stage);
108 }
111 // Push all arguments for normal waning (-Wall, -Wextra but
112 // -Wno-comments)
113 this->add_compile_arg("-Wall");
114 this->add_compile_arg("-Wextra");
115 this->add_compile_arg("-Wno-comments");
118 // Push all aruments needed for static anlization of code
119 this->add_compile_arg("-fanalyzer");
120 this->add_compile_arg("-Wanalyzer-too-complex");
123 // Push argument for treating warning as errors
124 this->add_compile_arg("-Werror");
126void CBuild::Toolchain::set_standart(std::string std_) {
127 // Only if non empty
128 if (std_ != std::string("")) {
129 // Push corectly formated stadart arg
130 this->add_compile_arg(std::string("-std=") + std_);
131 }
136void CBuild::Toolchain::depends_on(std::string target) {
137 // Push target in list of dependencies
138 this->depends.push_back(target);
140void CBuild::Toolchain::depends_on_project(std::string path, std::string name, std::string id,
141 std::string headers_path) {
143 dep.headers_path = headers_path;
144 dep.id = id;
145 dep.name = name;
146 dep.path = path;
147 this->project_deps.push_back(dep);
150 this->add_compile_arg("-pg");
151 this->add_link_arg("-pg");
154 this->version_major = version;
157 this->add_compile_arg("-pthread");
158 this->add_link_arg("-pthread");
161 this->pkg_config_include_entries.push_back(id);
164 this->hasher = hasher;
166void CBuild::Toolchain::set_name(std::string name) {
167 this->name = name;
169void CBuild::Toolchain::set_id(std::string id) {
170 this->id = id;
173 this->dependency_list.push_back(dep);
175/* Build.hpp - files */
176void CBuild::Toolchain::add_file(std::string path) {
177 // If path is non-empty
178 if (path != std::string("")) {
179 // Create new path to file
180 CBuild::Path p;
181 p.folder = false;
182 p.path = path;
183 // Push it to list of targets for compilation
184 this->targets.push_back(p);
185 }
187void CBuild::Toolchain::add_folder(std::string path) {
188 // Only if path is non-empty
189 if (path != std::string("")) {
190 // Create new path to folder
191 CBuild::Path p;
192 p.folder = true;
193 p.path = path;
194 // Push it to list of targets for compilation
195 this->targets.push_back(p);
196 }
198/* Build.hpp - helper */
199std::string CBuild::Toolchain::gen_out_file(std::string file) {
200 // path to base diretory for out files
201 std::string base = CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + this->id + "/" + CBUILD_BUILD_CACHE_DIR + "/";
202 // Find dot in file name
203 unsigned long pos = file.find_last_of(".");
204 // Cut it out
205 file = file.substr(0, pos);
206 // Replace all slashes by dots
207 while (file.find("/") != std::string::npos) {
208 file.replace(file.find("/"), std::string("/").size(), ".");
209 }
210 // Add .o extension
211 file += ".o";
212 // Return full path
213 base += file;
214 return base;
217 // File - object
219 std::vector<std::string> objects, filelist;
220 bool not_use_hash = false;
221 // Collect all files from directories
222 for (auto elem : this->targets) {
223 if (elem.folder) {
224 auto files = CBuild::fs::dir(elem.path);
225 for (auto file : files) {
226 filelist.push_back(CBuild::fs::normalize_relative_path(file));
227 }
228 } else {
229 filelist.push_back(CBuild::fs::normalize_relative_path(elem.path));
230 }
231 }
232 // Create objects list
233 for (auto elem : filelist) {
234 try {
235 for_recomp.push_back(elem, this->gen_out_file(elem));
236 objects.push_back(this->gen_out_file(elem));
237 } catch (std::exception& e) {
238 }
239 }
240 // If we do dummy, compilation, we do force compilation, assumption based on
241 // internal CBuild structure, else get hashes
242 if (this->dummy == true) {
243 // for_recomp = filelist;
244 not_use_hash = true;
245 } else if (this->gen_file_list_for_linking) {
246 // for_recomp = filelist;
247 not_use_hash = true;
248 } else {
249 // for_recomp = CBuild::get_files(filelist, this->id);
250 for_recomp = this->hasher->get_files_for_recompilation(filelist, objects);
251 not_use_hash = false;
252 }
253 // Real force, we need to recalculate hashes here
254 if (this->force) {
255 // for_recomp = filelist;
256 not_use_hash = true;
257 }
258 // Not force
259 // if (!force_) {
260 // // For every target path
261 // for (auto elem : this->targets) {
262 // // If folder
263 // if (elem.folder) {
264 // // For every file in folder
265 // std::vector<std::string> files =
266 // CBuild::fs::dir(elem.path);
267 // for (auto file : files) {
268 // // Check if hash file exists
269 // if (!CBuild::fs::exists(
270 // this->gen_hash_file(file))) {
271 // CBuild::fs::create(
272 // {this->gen_hash_file(file)},
273 // CBuild::fs::FILE);
274 // std::ofstream f(
275 // this->gen_hash_file(file));
276 // f << "-";
277 // f.close();
278 // }
279 // // Push file only if hash is different
280 // if (!CBuild::load_hash(
281 // this->gen_hash_file(file),
282 // file)) {
283 // ret.push_back(
284 // this->cmd_str(file),
285 // this->cmd_str(
286 // this->gen_out_file(
287 // file)));
288 // }
289 // }
290 // }
291 // // If file
292 // else {
293 // std::string file = elem.path;
294 // // Check if hash file exists
295 // if (!CBuild::fs::exists(
296 // this->gen_hash_file(file))) {
297 // CBuild::fs::create(
298 // {this->gen_hash_file(file)},
299 // CBuild::fs::FILE);
300 // std::ofstream f(
301 // this->gen_hash_file(file));
302 // f << "-";
303 // f.close();
304 // }
305 // // Push file only if hash is different
306 // if (!CBuild::load_hash(
307 // this->gen_hash_file(file), file)) {
308 // ret.push_back(
309 // this->cmd_str(file),
310 // this->cmd_str(
311 // this->gen_out_file(file)));
312 // }
313 // }
314 // }
315 // }
316 // // Force
317 // else {
318 // // For every target path
319 // for (auto elem : this->targets) {
320 // // If folder
321 // if (elem.folder) {
322 // // For every file in folder
323 // std::vector<std::string> files =
324 // CBuild::fs::dir(elem.path);
325 // for (auto f : files) {
326 // // Push file
327 // ret.push_back(
328 // this->cmd_str(f),
329 // this->cmd_str(
330 // this->gen_out_file(f)));
331 // // Generate hash file
332 // if (!CBuild::fs::exists(
333 // this->gen_hash_file(f))) {
334 // CBuild::fs::create(
335 // {this->gen_hash_file(f)},
336 // CBuild::fs::FILE);
337 // std::ofstream fl(
338 // this->gen_hash_file(f));
339 // fl << "-";
340 // fl.close();
341 // }
342 // }
343 // }
344 // // If file
345 // else {
346 // // Push file
347 // ret.push_back(this->cmd_str(elem.path),
348 // this->cmd_str(this->gen_out_file(
349 // elem.path)));
350 // // Generate hash file
351 // if (!CBuild::fs::exists(
352 // this->gen_hash_file(elem.path))) {
353 // CBuild::fs::create(
354 // {this->gen_hash_file(elem.path)},
355 // CBuild::fs::FILE);
356 // std::ofstream f(
357 // this->gen_hash_file(elem.path));
358 // f << "-";
359 // f.close();
360 // }
361 // }
362 // }
363 // }
364 if (not_use_hash == true) {
365 for_recomp.clear();
366 for (size_t i = 0; i < filelist.size(); i++) {
367 for_recomp.push_back(filelist.at(i), objects.at(i));
368 }
369 }
370 for (auto elem : for_recomp) {
371 ret.push_back(this->cmd_str(elem.key), this->cmd_str(elem.data));
372 }
373 CBuild::print_full("CBuild::Build::gen_file_list() - dbg: ");
374 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) {
375 CBuild::print_full(ret.at(i).key);
376 }
377 return ret;
380 bool tmp = this->force;
381 this->force = true;
382 auto ret = this->gen_file_list(true);
383 this->force = tmp;
384 return ret;
387 std::string ret = "";
388 for (auto arg : this->compiler_args) {
389 ret += arg;
390 ret += " ";
391 }
392 return ret;
394std::string CBuild::Toolchain::gen_out_name(std::string executable, std::string dyn_lib,
395 std::string stat_lib) {
396 // Base path
397 std::string base = "";
398 if (!this->gen_out_name_without_base_path) {
399 base = CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + this->id + "/" + CBUILD_BUILD_OUT_DIR + "/";
400 }
401 // If name defined
402 if (this->name != std::string("")) {
403 // If this is executable add file excutable extension
404 if (this->build_type == CBuild::EXECUTABLE) {
405 base += this->name;
406 base += executable;
407 }
408 // We build lib
409 else {
410 // Push "lib" and file name
411 base += "lib";
412 base += this->name;
413 // Based on type push different file extensions
414 if (this->build_type == CBuild::DYNAMIC_LIBRARY) {
415 base += dyn_lib;
416 } else {
417 base += stat_lib;
418 }
419 }
420 }
421 // Else use id
422 else {
423 // If this is executable add file excutable extension
424 if (this->build_type == CBuild::EXECUTABLE) {
425 base += this->id;
426 base += executable;
427 }
428 // We build lib
429 else {
430 // Push "lib" and file name
431 base += "lib";
432 base += this->id;
433 // Based on type push different file extensions
434 if (this->build_type == CBuild::DYNAMIC_LIBRARY) {
435 base += dyn_lib;
436 } else {
437 base += stat_lib;
438 }
439 }
440 }
441 return this->cmd_str(base);
443std::string CBuild::Toolchain::cmd_str(std::string in) {
444 // Replace all spaces with backslash and placeholder
445 while (in.find(" ") != std::string::npos) {
446 in.replace(in.find(" "), std::string(" ").size(), "\\^");
447 }
448 // Replace placeholder by real space
449 while (in.find("\\^") != std::string::npos) {
450 in.replace(in.find("\\^"), std::string("\\^").size(), "\\ ");
451 }
452 return in;
455 // Init toolchain
456 if (this->id == std::string(""))
457 this->id = "null";
458 // Check all neeaded dirs and create it's if it doesnot exists
461 }
462 if (!CBuild::fs::exists(CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + this->id)) {
464 }
465 if (!CBuild::fs::exists(CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + this->id + "/" + CBUILD_BUILD_CACHE_DIR)) {
468 }
469 if (!CBuild::fs::exists(CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + this->id + "/" + CBUILD_BUILD_OUT_DIR)) {
472 }
473 if (!CBuild::fs::exists(CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + this->id + "/" + CBUILD_METADATA_FOLDER)) {
476 }
478void CBuild::Toolchain::load_project_deps(std::string curr_path) {
479 for (auto elem : this->project_deps) {
480 // Generate and execute command for build dependencie
481 std::string cmd = "cd " + elem.path + " && ./CBuild.run -b " + elem.id;
483 // Copy files
484 CBuild::system("cp -r " + elem.path + "/" + CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + elem.id + "/" +
487 CBuild::system("cp -r " + elem.headers_path + "/ " + CBUILD_CACHE_DIR + "/" +
488 CBUILD_PROJECT_DEPS_HEADERS + "/" + elem.id);
489 // Add lib in dependencies
490 this->add_library_dir(CBUILD_CACHE_DIR + "/" + CBUILD_PROJECT_DEPS_HEADERS,
492 this->add_library_include(elem.name);
493 this->add_compile_arg(" -Wl,-rpath,\"\\$ORIGIN/../../../" + CBUILD_CACHE_DIR + "/" +
495 }
497std::array<std::string, 3> CBuild::Toolchain::get_cmds() {
498 return std::array<std::string, 3>{this->compiler, this->linker, this->packer};
501 CBuild::print("Error in compilation! Stopping compilation...", CBuild::RED);
502 exit(0xFF);
504void CBuild::Toolchain::compile(std::string str) {
505 int ret = CBuild::system(str);
506 if (ret != 0) {
507 this->crash();
508 }
511 if (!this->stdargs_lock) {
512 // Sometimes binaryes gcc throws error if this option is not set when linking to shared
513 // library
514 this->compiler_args.push_back("-fPIC");
515 this->link_args.push_back("-fPIC");
516 // Some standart compile and link args
517 this->add_compile_arg("-I" + CBUILD_CACHE_DIR + "/" + CBUILD_PROJECT_DEPS_HEADERS);
518 this->add_link_arg("-L" + CBUILD_CACHE_DIR + "/" + CBUILD_PROJECT_DEPS_DIR);
519 // Special link tag for dynamick libraries
520 if (this->build_type == CBuild::DYNAMIC_LIBRARY) {
521 this->link_args.push_back("-shared");
522 }
523 // For packing in deb fomat
524 if (this->build_type == CBuild::DYNAMIC_LIBRARY) {
525 std::string lib = this->gen_out_name();
526 int pos = lib.find_last_of('/');
527 lib = lib.substr(pos + 1);
528 if (this->version_major < 0) {
529 this->add_link_arg(" -Wl,-soname," + lib);
530 } else {
531 this->add_link_arg(" -Wl,-soname," + lib + std::string(".") +
532 std::to_string(this->version_major));
533 }
534 }
535 // Add link arsg for dependancy libraries
536 for (std::string id : this->depends) {
537 auto target = CBuild::Registry::GetToolchain(id, true);
538 if (target != NULL) {
539 // get lib name
540 auto out_path = target->gen_out_name();
541 unsigned int end_slash = out_path.find_last_of('/');
542 unsigned int end_dot = out_path.find_last_of('.');
543 std::string out = out_path.substr(end_slash + 4, end_dot - end_slash - 4);
544 // Add lib include
545 this->add_library_include(out);
546 // Add all needed for linking to that library
547 this->add_library_dir(".", CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + target->get_id() + "/" +
549 this->add_link_arg("-Wl,-rpath,\"\\$ORIGIN/../../" + target->get_id() + "/" +
551 }
552 }
553 // pkg-config database search
554 for (auto pkg : this->pkg_config_include_entries) {
556 info.name = pkg;
557 if (!CBuild::get_pkg_info(&info)) {
558 this->crash();
559 }
560 this->add_link_arg(info.largs);
561 this->add_compile_arg(info.cargs);
562 }
563 // External dependencies
564 for (auto dep : this->dependency_list) {
565 this->add_link_arg(dep->largs());
566 this->add_compile_arg(dep->cargs());
567 } // Set lock
568 this->stdargs_lock = true;
569 }
571/* Build.hpp - main */
572void CBuild::Toolchain::call(std::vector<std::string>* args, bool force, bool debug, bool dummy) {
573 CBuild::print("Starting " + this->id + " toolchain in build mode ", CBuild::color::RED);
574 // Load all deps
575 CBuild::print("Trying to load required dependencies...", CBuild::GREEN);
576 for (auto dep : this->dependency_list) {
577 if (dep->need_prepare()) {
578 dep->prepare();
579 }
580 }
581 // Save scratch variables
582 this->args = args;
583 this->force = force;
584 this->dummy = dummy;
585 // Debug mode of compilation
586 if (debug) {
587 this->compiler_args.push_back("-g");
588 }
589 this->stdargs();
590 // Init dirs
591 this->init();
592 // Init
593 CBuild::print("Calling tasks marked as PRE ", CBuild::color::GREEN);
594 // Call all dependencies (tasks) marked as PRE
595 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->required.size(); i++) {
596 auto elem = this->required.at(i);
597 if (elem.data == CBuild::PRE) {
598 CBuild::Registry::CallTask(elem.key, {});
599 }
600 }
601 CBuild::print("Calling all required toolchains ", CBuild::color::GREEN);
602 // Call all dependencies (toolchains)
603 for (std::string id : this->depends) {
604 // Call target
605 auto target = CBuild::Registry::GetToolchain(id, force);
606 if (target != NULL) {
607 target->call(args, force, debug, dummy);
608 }
609 }
610 // Does metadata checks fails with file not found error
611 bool meta_error = false;
612 // Perform some metadata checks
613 if (this->hasher->compare_and_set_output_file(this->gen_out_name()) != 0) {
614 this->force = true;
615 meta_error = true;
616 }
617 if (this->hasher->compare_and_set_cargs(this->compiler_args) != 0) {
618 this->force = true;
619 meta_error = true;
620 }
621 if (this->hasher->compare_and_set_largs(this->link_args) != 0) {
622 this->force = true;
623 meta_error = true;
624 }
625 if (this->hasher->compare_and_set_commands(this->compiler, this->linker, this->packer) != 0) {
626 this->force = true;
627 meta_error = true;
628 }
629 // 4 steps
630 if (!force)
631 CBuild::print("Using precompiled object were possible ", CBuild::color::MAGENTA);
632 CBuild::print("Running pre build tasks ", CBuild::GREEN);
633 this->pre_build();
634 CBuild::print("Running build tasks ", CBuild::GREEN);
635 CBuild::print("Now you can see compiler output", CBuild::MAGENTA);
636 this->build();
637 CBuild::print("Running post build tasks ", CBuild::GREEN);
638 this->post_build();
639 CBuild::print("Running pre link tasks ", CBuild::GREEN);
640 this->pre_link();
641 CBuild::print("Running link tasks ", CBuild::GREEN);
642 CBuild::print("Now you can see linker output", CBuild::MAGENTA);
643 // 5-th step - special linking for static libraries
644 if (this->build_type == CBuild::STATIC_LIBRARY) {
645 this->link_pack();
646 } else {
647 this->link();
648 }
649 // Last, 6-th step
650 CBuild::print("Running post link tasks ", CBuild::GREEN);
651 this->post_link();
652 if (this->build_type == CBuild::DYNAMIC_LIBRARY && this->version_major != -1) {
653 CBuild::print("Creating symlink lib<id>.so.<major>", CBuild::GREEN);
654 CBuild::system("rm -rf " + CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + this->get_id() + "/" +
655 CBUILD_BUILD_OUT_DIR + "/*.so.*");
656 this->gen_out_name_without_base_path = true;
657 CBuild::system("cd " + CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + this->get_id() + "/" +
658 CBUILD_BUILD_OUT_DIR + " && ln -s " + this->gen_out_name() + " " +
659 this->gen_out_name() + "." + std::to_string(this->version_major));
660 this->gen_out_name_without_base_path = false;
661 }
662 // If we had a metadata file not found error we need to update metadata
663 if (meta_error == true) {
664 this->hasher->set_target_meta(this->compiler_args, this->link_args, this->gen_out_name(),
665 this->compiler, this->linker, this->packer);
666 }
667 CBuild::print("Calling tasks marked as POST ", CBuild::GREEN);
668 // Call all dependencies (tasks) marked as POSt
669 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->required.size(); i++) {
670 auto elem = this->required.at(i);
671 if (elem.data == CBuild::POST) {
672 CBuild::Registry::CallTask(elem.key, {});
673 }
674 }
675 CBuild::print("End of execution of toolchain " + this->id + " ", CBuild::RED);
677void CBuild::Toolchain::run(std::vector<std::string>* args) {
678 CBuild::print("Starting \"" + ((this->name == "") ? this->id : this->name) + "\" ",
680 // Parse args
681 std::string pargs = "";
682 if (args != NULL) {
683 for (auto elem : *args) {
684 pargs += elem;
685 pargs += " ";
686 }
687 }
688 // Construct command
689 std::string cmd;
690 cmd = this->gen_out_name();
691 cmd += " ";
692 cmd += pargs;
693 // Call app
694 CBuild::print("App output (if any):", CBuild::MAGENTA);
696 CBuild::print("End of app execution", CBuild::RED);
698void CBuild::Toolchain::debug(std::vector<std::string>* args, std::vector<std::string>* pargs) {
699 CBuild::print("Starting \"" + ((this->name == "") ? this->id : this->name) +
700 "\" toolchain in debug mode ",
702 // Build in debug mode
703 this->call(args, true, true);
704 CBuild::print("Running builded app with gdb ", CBuild::GREEN);
705 std::string ppargs = "";
706 if (pargs != NULL) {
707 for (auto elem : *pargs) {
708 ppargs += elem;
709 ppargs += " ";
710 }
711 }
712 // Construct command
713 std::string cmd;
714 cmd = "gdb ";
715 cmd += this->gen_out_name();
716 cmd += " ";
717 cmd += ppargs;
718 // Call gdb on app
719 CBuild::print("Now you can see gdb shell ", CBuild::MAGENTA);
721 CBuild::print("End of app execution", CBuild::RED);
724 // Simple clear though shell ;)
725 CBuild::system(std::string("rm -r ") + CBUILD_BUILD_DIR + "/" + this->id);
Build toolchain headers.
Build out in build/toolchain.
For other included project, in cache dir.
Object cache in build/toolchain.
Metadata folder for targets.
Cache directory of CBuild.
For other included project, in cache dir.
Build directory of CBuild.
Build metadata config file.
virtual void clear()
Clear all caches and builded app.
Definition Build.cpp:723
virtual void add_undef(std::string define)
Add new undefine (undefine previvious define)
Definition Build.cpp:64
virtual std::string get_compile_args()
Get preprocessed compile args.
Definition Build.cpp:386
virtual void set_standart(std::string std_)
Set standart for code (-std=std_)
Definition Build.cpp:126
virtual void load_project_deps(std::string curr_path)
Load all project dependencies.
Definition Build.cpp:478
virtual void set_version_major(int version)
Set major version component, used in -Wl,-soname
Definition Build.cpp:153
virtual void debug(std::vector< std::string > *args, std::vector< std::string > *pargs)
Build program in debug mode and after run gdb on it.
Definition Build.cpp:698
virtual void add_include(std::string include_path)
Add compile-time include.
Definition Build.cpp:73
virtual void run(std::vector< std::string > *args)
Run builded app.
Definition Build.cpp:677
virtual void add_compile_arg(std::string arg)
Directly add compiler argument.
Definition Build.cpp:38
void add_external_dependency(CBuild::Dependency *dep)
Add external dependency to this toolchain.
Definition Build.cpp:172
virtual void add_pkgconfig_entry(std::string id)
Add a lib, data for what need to be searched using pkg-config tool.
Definition Build.cpp:160
virtual void compile(std::string cmd)
Call compiler.
Definition Build.cpp:504
virtual void add_requirment(std::string task_, CBuild::stage run_stage=CBuild::PRE)
Add required task, that task will be executed before toolchain, it can have dependecies,...
Definition Build.cpp:104
virtual void set_id(std::string id)
Change id of this toolchain, if done after registering it can brake things.
Definition Build.cpp:169
virtual lib::map< std::string, std::string > gen_file_list_force()
Generate list of all files, that is tracked by this target.
Definition Build.cpp:379
virtual void error()
Add -Werror.
Definition Build.cpp:122
virtual void add_folder(std::string path)
Add folder to compile path, scan is not recursive.
Definition Build.cpp:187
virtual void set_name(std::string name)
Change out file name.
Definition Build.cpp:166
virtual void add_library_include(std::string library)
Add system library include, library include folder need to be in PATH.
Definition Build.cpp:83
virtual lib::map< std::string, std::string > gen_file_list(bool force)
Generate list of files that need to be compiles.
Definition Build.cpp:216
virtual void call(std::vector< std::string > *args, bool force=false, bool debug=false, bool dummy=false)
Call tollchain to execute.
Definition Build.cpp:572
virtual std::string gen_out_name(std::string executable=".run", std::string dyn_lib=".so", std::string stat_lib=".a")
Generate output file name (after linking)
Definition Build.cpp:394
virtual void set_hasher(Hash *hasher)
Set used hasher for this target.
Definition Build.cpp:163
virtual void add_define(std::string define, std::string val="")
Add new define.
Definition Build.cpp:50
std::vector< std::string > compiler_args
Compiler args (specified and generated)
Definition Build.hpp:90
virtual void add_library_dir(std::string include, std::string lib)
Add library include directory (with *.h files) and directory with library *.a and *....
Definition Build.cpp:92
virtual void add_file(std::string path)
Add file for compilation.
Definition Build.cpp:176
virtual void multithreaded_target()
Add -pthread argument.
Definition Build.cpp:156
virtual void add_link_arg(std::string arg)
Add linker arguments.
Definition Build.cpp:44
virtual void set_type(CBuild::build_type type)
Set the type of build.
Definition Build.cpp:133
virtual void stdargs()
Add standard compile and link arguments into compilation Need to be publick for some hashers to work.
Definition Build.cpp:510
virtual std::array< std::string, 3 > get_cmds()
Get all three commands from class - compile, linker and packer.
Definition Build.cpp:497
virtual std::string cmd_str(std::string in)
Replace spaces by "\ ".
Definition Build.cpp:443
virtual void set_profiling_mode()
Enable -pg for gprof.
Definition Build.cpp:149
virtual std::string gen_out_file(std::string file)
Generate output object file from input file.
Definition Build.cpp:199
virtual void init()
Initialize folder structure.
Definition Build.cpp:454
virtual void crash() __attribute__((__noreturn__))
Crash compilation, needed when gcc throws error.
Definition Build.cpp:500
virtual void warn()
Enable more warnings.
Definition Build.cpp:110
virtual void depends_on_project(std::string path, std::string name, std::string id, std::string headers_path)
Add another CBuild project as dependency.
Definition Build.cpp:140
virtual void static_analizer()
Enable static anlizer (very slow)
Definition Build.cpp:117
virtual void depends_on(std::string target)
This target depends on other target.
Definition Build.cpp:136
Simple map implementation with some stack operation added.
Definition map.hpp:79
__SIZE_TYPE__ size()
Size of map.
Definition map.hpp:275
void clear()
Erase all elements (simmilar to std::vector::clear())
Definition map.hpp:215
void push_back(lib::mapData< _K, _D > element)
Push new element to map, stack operation ! Dangerous not perform chak if this elemnt exists in map.
Definition map.hpp:111
lib::mapData< _K, _D > at(__SIZE_TYPE__ i)
Array operation, get element at index.
Definition map.hpp:223
filesystem++ api
Hasher base class and some helper functions This file implements some helper funtions,...
Custom implementation of map datatype.
CBuild::Toolchain * GetToolchain(std::string name, bool force=false)
Get the registered toolchain.
Definition register.cpp:239
void CallTask(std::string name, std::vector< std::string > args)
Run tasks.
Definition register.cpp:206
bool exists(std::string path)
Check if file exists.
bool create(std::vector< std::string > paths, CBuild::fs::type what)
Create element.
std::string normalize_relative_path(std::string path, std::string base_path="")
Get absolute path to file using relative path and base path.
Alias for DIRECTORY.
std::vector< std::string > dir(std::string path, std::string search)
Search files using provided regex.
void print(std::string msg, color fg=CBuild::WHITE)
Print colored text to STDOUT.
Definition print.cpp:70
Definition Build.hpp:55
Definition Build.hpp:55
Definition Build.hpp:55
Definition Build.hpp:55
int version[]
Definition CBuild.cpp:556
Definition print.hpp:34
Definition print.hpp:38
Definition print.hpp:35
Type of depencesies for toolchain.
Definition Build.hpp:54
Definition Build.hpp:54
Definition Build.hpp:54
void exit(int code)
bool get_pkg_info(CBuild::package_info *package)
Get the package info from pkg-config database.
Definition pkgconfig.cpp:28
int system(std::string cmd)
Call stdlib system() and print cmd to shell.
Definition system.cpp:47
void print_full(std::string msg, color fg=CBuild::WHITE)
Print colored text to STDOUT if verbose flag is set.
Definition print.cpp:75
Optional datatype.
Definition map.hpp:29
pkg-config interface header Provides interface to pkg-config cli tool, including some parts of error ...
Custom print that support color codes.
Register any things.
Path datatype.
Definition Build.hpp:38
bool folder
Definition Build.hpp:40
std::string path
Definition Build.hpp:39
Project dependency data.
Definition Build.hpp:45
std::string headers_path
Definition Build.hpp:49
Command for compile_commands.json.
Package info struct for data for pkg-config.
Definition pkgconfig.hpp:30
std::string largs
Package link args.
Definition pkgconfig.hpp:38
std::string name
Package name.
Definition pkgconfig.hpp:34
std::string cargs
Package compile args.
Definition pkgconfig.hpp:42
Custom system() wraper.