C++ build system with scripts written in c++
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
21// C++ libraries
22#include "fstream"
23#include "iostream"
24#include "random"
25#include "stdio.h"
26// Project headers
30#include "../../headers/map.hpp"
33/* CBuild.hpp */
34// CBuild::RType CBuild::parse(lib::map<std::string, std::string> *args, int
35// argc, char **argv) {
36// // Init registry
37// CBuild::Registry::init();
38// // Argument counters
39// int acnt = 0;
40// int pacnt = 0;
41// // Default return
42// CBuild::RType ret = CBuild::ERROR;
43// // Parse all command line arguments
44// for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
45// std::string tmp = argv[i];
46// // Force, not use cache compilation
47// if (tmp == std::string("-f")) {
48// try {
49// args->push_back_check("force", "force");
50// } catch (std::exception &e) {
51// }
52// // Verbose flag
53// } else if (tmp == std::string("-v")) {
54// try {
55// args->push_back_check("out", "verbose");
56// } catch (std::exception &e) {
57// }
58// // Disabling output
59// } else if (tmp == std::string("--no-cli-out")) {
60// try {
61// args->push_back_check("out", "none");
62// } catch (std::exception &e) {
63// }
64// // Makefile gen
65// } else if (tmp == std::string("-gm")) {
66// try {
67// args->push_back_check("gen", "make");
68// } catch (std::exception &e) {
69// }
70// // Compil database (compile_command.json) gen
71// } else if (tmp == std::string("-gc")) {
72// try {
73// args->push_back_check("gen", "ccj");
74// } catch (std::exception &e) {
75// }
76// // Load deps
77// } else if (tmp == std::string("-ld")) {
78// ret = CBuild::RType::LOAD_DEPS;
79// i++;
80// // Load toolchain name and perform all checks
81// if (i < argc) {
82// tmp = argv[i];
83// if (tmp.at(0) == '-') {
84// CBuild::print("-ld <toolchain name>");
85// exit(0xFF);
86// } else {
87// try {
88// args->push_back_check("toolchain_id", tmp);
89// } catch (std::exception &e) {
90// }
91// }
92// } else {
93// CBuild::print("-ld <toolchain name>");
94// exit(0xFF);
95// }
96// // Compile
97// } else if (tmp == std::string("-b")) {
98// // We build now, not error
99// ret = CBuild::BUILD;
100// i++;
101// // Load toolchain name and perform all checks
102// if (i < argc) {
103// tmp = argv[i];
104// if (tmp.at(0) == '-') {
105// CBuild::print("-b <toolchain name>");
106// exit(0xFF);
107// } else {
108// try {
109// args->push_back_check("toolchain_id", tmp);
110// } catch (std::exception &e) {
111// }
112// }
113// } else {
114// CBuild::print("-b <toolchain name>");
115// exit(0xFF);
116// }
117// // Run
118// } else if (tmp == std::string("-r")) {
119// // Run now, not error
120// ret = CBuild::RUN;
121// i++;
122// // Load toolchain name and perform all checks
123// if (i < argc) {
124// tmp = argv[i];
125// if (tmp.at(0) == '-') {
126// CBuild::print("-r <toolchain name>");
127// exit(0xFF);
128// } else {
129// try {
130// args->push_back_check("toolchain_id", tmp);
131// } catch (std::exception &e) {
132// }
133// }
134// } else {
135// try {
136// args->push_back_check("toolchain_id", "CBuild_all");
137// } catch (std::exception &e) {
138// }
139// }
140// // Build and run
141// } else if (tmp == std::string("-br")) {
142// // Build and run now, not error
143// ret = CBuild::BUILD_RUN;
144// i++;
145// // Load toolchain name and perform all checks
146// if (i < argc) {
147// tmp = argv[i];
148// if (tmp.at(0) == '-') {
149// CBuild::print("-br <toolchain name>");
150// exit(0xFF);
151// } else {
152// try {
153// args->push_back_check("toolchain_id", tmp);
154// } catch (std::exception &e) {
155// }
156// }
157// } else {
158// CBuild::print("-br <toolchain name>");
159// exit(0xFF);
160// }
161// // Debug
162// } else if (tmp == std::string("-d")) {
163// // Debug now, not error
164// ret = CBuild::DEBUG;
165// i++;
166// // Load toolchain name and perform all checks
167// if (i < argc) {
168// tmp = argv[i];
169// if (tmp.at(0) == '-') {
170// CBuild::print("-d <toolchain name>");
171// exit(0xFF);
172// } else {
173// try {
174// args->push_back_check("toolchain_id", tmp);
175// } catch (std::exception &e) {
176// }
177// }
178// } else {
179// CBuild::print("-d <toolchain name>");
180// exit(0xFF);
181// }
182// // Cleran builded app
183// } else if (tmp == std::string("-c")) {
184// // Clear now, not error
185// ret = CBuild::CLEAR;
186// i++;
187// // Load toolchain name and perform all checks
188// if (i < argc) {
189// tmp = argv[i];
190// if (tmp.at(0) == '-') {
191// CBuild::print("-c <toolchain name>");
192// exit(0xFF);
193// } else {
194// try {
195// args->push_back_check("toolchain_id", tmp);
196// } catch (std::exception &e) {
197// }
198// }
199// } else {
200// CBuild::print("-c <toolchain name>");
201// exit(0xFF);
202// }
203// // Run task
204// } else if (tmp == std::string("-t")) {
205// // Run task (legacy TASK) now
206// ret = CBuild::TASK;
207// i++;
208// // Load toolchain name and perform all checks
209// if (i < argc) {
210// tmp = argv[i];
211// if (tmp.at(0) == '-') {
212// CBuild::print("-t <task name>");
213// exit(0xFF);
214// } else {
215// args->push_back_check("task_id", tmp);
216// }
217// } else {
218// CBuild::print("-t <task name>");
219// exit(0xFF);
220// }
221// // Add argument
222// } else if (tmp == std::string("-a")) {
223// i++;
224// // Load argument and perform some checks
225// if (i < argc) {
226// tmp = argv[i];
227// args->push_back("a" + std::to_string(acnt), tmp);
228// acnt++;
229// } else {
230// exit(0xFF);
231// }
232// // Program arguments
233// } else if (tmp == std::string("-pa")) {
234// i++;
235// // Load program argument and perform some checks
236// if (i < argc) {
237// tmp = argv[i];
238// args->push_back("pa" + std::to_string(pacnt), tmp);
239// pacnt++;
240// } else {
241// exit(0xFF);
242// }
243// // Rebuild of CBuild
244// } else if (tmp == std::string("--rebuild")) {
245// ret = CBuild::REBUILD;
246// // Init workspace
247// } else if (tmp == std::string("--init")) {
248// // Fresh start
249// args->clear();
250// // Load init task
251// args->push_back("task_id", "CBuild_init");
252// return CBuild::TASK;
253// // Get help message
254// } else if (tmp == std::string("--version")) {
255// // Fresh start
256// args->clear();
257// // Load init task
258// args->push_back("task_id", "CBuild_version");
259// return CBuild::TASK;
260// // Get help message
261// } else if ((tmp == std::string("--help")) || (tmp == std::string("-h")))
262// {
263// // Fresh start
264// args->clear();
265// // Load help task
266// args->push_back("task_id", "CBuild_help");
267// return CBuild::TASK;
268// // Parse user-defined keywords
269// } else {
270// auto keys = Registry::GetKeywordsList();
271// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
272// if (tmp == keys.at(i).key) {
273// ret = CBuild::TASK;
274// args->push_back_check("task_id", keys.at(i).data);
275// }
276// }
277// }
278// }
279// return ret;
280// }
282 // Check if cache directory exists
284 // Create dir
286 }
287 // Check if copy cache dir exists
289 // Create dir
291 }
292 // Check if lib cache sir exists
294 // Create dir
296 }
297 // Check if lib headers cache sir exists
299 // Create dir
301 }
302 // Args
303 std::vector<std::string> pargs, ppargs;
304 bool force = false;
305 // Load args
306 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args->size(); i++) {
307 auto elem = args->at(i);
308 try {
309 // Custom arg for CBuild, user-proccesed
310 if (elem.key.at(0) == 'a') {
311 pargs.push_back(elem.data);
312 // Custom arg for runned app, for -r and -br
313 } else if (elem.key.at(0) == 'p' && elem.key.at(1) == 'a') {
314 ppargs.push_back(elem.data);
315 // Force recompilation
316 } else if (elem.key == std::string("force")) {
317 force = true;
318 // Different output modes
319 } else if (elem.key == std::string("out")) {
320 // More verbose output, some debugging things included ;)
321 if (elem.data == std::string("verbose")) {
323 // No output at all, only produced by compiler
324 } else if (elem.data == std::string("none")) {
326 }
327 }
328 } catch (std::exception& e) {
329 }
330 }
331 // Setup generators
332 if (args->get_ptr("gen") != NULL) {
333 auto generator = CBuild::Registry::GetGenerator(*(args->get("gen")));
334 if (!generator->init()) {
335 generator->generate(mode, args, &pargs);
336 }
337 goto mode_end;
338 }
339 // Select mode
340 switch (mode) {
341 // Build and rebuild of script
342 case CBuild::REBUILD:
343 case CBuild::BUILD: {
344 if (*(args->get("toolchain_id")) == std::string("all")) {
345 CBuild::Registry::ToolchainAll(force, *(args->get("curr_path")), &pargs);
346 } else {
347 // Load toolchain
348 std::string id = *(args->get("toolchain_id"));
350 // Error
351 if (target == NULL) {
352 CBuild::printf(CBuild::RED, "Toolchain %s not found. Exiting...\n", id.c_str());
353 exit(0xFF);
354 }
355 // Call tolchain in build mode
356 target->call(&pargs, force);
357 }
358 } break;
359 // Build and run
360 case CBuild::BUILD_RUN: {
361 // Load toolchain
362 std::string id = *(args->get("toolchain_id"));
364 // Error
365 if (target == NULL) {
366 CBuild::printf(CBuild::RED, "Toolchain %s not found. Exiting...\n", id.c_str());
367 exit(0xFF);
368 }
369 // Run toolchain in build mode
370 target->call(&pargs, force);
371 // Run toolchain in run mode
372 target->run(&ppargs);
373 } break;
374 // Run
375 case CBuild::RUN: {
376 // Load toolchain
377 std::string id = *(args->get("toolchain_id"));
379 // Error
380 if (target == NULL) {
381 CBuild::printf(CBuild::RED, "Toolchain %s not found. Exiting...\n", id.c_str());
382 exit(0xFF);
383 }
384 // Run toolchain in run mode
385 target->run(&ppargs);
386 } break;
387 // Build and run indebug mode
388 case CBuild::DEBUG: {
389 // Load toolchain
390 std::string id = *(args->get("toolchain_id"));
392 // Error
393 if (target == NULL) {
394 CBuild::printf(CBuild::RED, "Toolchain %s not found. Exiting...\n", id.c_str());
395 exit(0xFF);
396 }
397 // Run toolchain in debug mode
398 target->debug(&pargs, &ppargs);
399 } break;
400 // Clear (files)
401 case CBuild::CLEAR: {
402 // Load toolchain
403 std::string id = *(args->get("toolchain_id"));
405 // Error
406 if (target == NULL) {
407 CBuild::printf(CBuild::RED, "Toolchain %s not found. Exiting...\n", id.c_str());
408 exit(0xFF);
409 }
410 // Run toolchain is self-clear mode
411 target->clear();
412 } break;
413 // Run task
414 case CBuild::TASK:
415 // Call task
416 CBuild::Registry::CallTask(*(args->get("task_id")), pargs);
417 break;
418 // Load deps
419 case CBuild::LOAD_DEPS: {
420 // Load toolchain
421 std::string id = *(args->get("toolchain_id"));
423 // Error
424 if (target == NULL) {
425 CBuild::printf(CBuild::RED, "Toolchain %s not found. Exiting...\n", id.c_str());
426 exit(0xFF);
427 }
428 // Load libs
429 target->load_project_deps(*(args->get("curr_path")));
430 } break;
431 // Error
432 case CBuild::ERROR:
433 [[fallthrough]];
434 // Also error ;)
435 default:
436 exit(0xFF);
437 }
438 if (args->get("gen") != NULL) {
439 auto generator = CBuild::Registry::GetGenerator(*(args->get("gen")));
440 generator->generate(mode, args, &pargs);
441 }
443 // auto gen = args->get_ptr("gen");
444 // gen = NULL;
445 // // Wee need to generate Makefile
446 // if (gen != NULL && gen->data == std::string("make")) {
447 // // Wee need to generate compile_command.json
448 // } else if (gen != NULL && gen->data == std::string("ccj")) {
449 // // We can generate it only for compilation
450 // if (mode == CBuild::RUN || mode == CBuild::TASK || mode ==
451 // CBuild::CLEAR ||
452 // mode == CBuild::RType::REBUILD || mode == CBuild::RType::ERROR) {
453 // goto gen_end;
454 // }
455 // CBuild::print("Generating compile_commands.json ...",
456 // CBuild::color::MAGENTA);
457 // // Get command log
458 // auto log = CBuild::get_log();
459 // // Recreate file
460 // if (CBuild::fs::exists(CBUILD_COMPILE_COMMAND_JSON)) {
461 // CBuild::fs::remove(CBUILD_COMPILE_COMMAND_JSON, true);
462 // }
463 // CBuild::fs::create({CBUILD_COMPILE_COMMAND_JSON},
464 // CBuild::fs::type::FILE);
465 // // Open file
466 // std::ofstream ccj;
467 // ccj.open(CBUILD_COMPILE_COMMAND_JSON, std::ios::out);
468 // ccj << "[\n";
469 // // For every executed command
470 // bool first = true;
471 // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < log->size(); i++) {
472 // // Get line data
473 // std::string cmd = log->at(i);
474 // // Does it is compilation command
475 // std::regex
476 // pattern("(\\S+)\\s+-c\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(.*)\\s+-o\\s+(\\S+)",
477 // std::regex_constants::icase);
478 // if (std::regex_match(cmd, pattern)) {
479 // // Preload some data to .json
480 // if (first == false)
481 // ccj << ",\n";
482 // first = false;
483 // ccj << "{\n";
484 // // Get file name
485 // std::istringstream iss(cmd);
486 // std::string word;
487 // while (iss >> word) {
488 // std::regex file(".*\\.(cpp|cc|c|cxx)");
489 // if (std::regex_match(word, file)) {
490 // break;
491 // }
492 // }
493 // // Add \ for needed data
494 // std::string cmd_prep = "";
495 // std::ostringstream ss;
496 // for (char c : cmd) {
497 // switch (c) {
498 // case '\"':
499 // ss << "\\\"";
500 // break;
501 // case '\\':
502 // ss << "\\\\";
503 // break;
504 // case '/':
505 // ss << "\\/";
506 // break;
507 // case '\b':
508 // ss << "\\b";
509 // break;
510 // case '\f':
511 // ss << "\\f";
512 // break;
513 // case '\n':
514 // ss << "\\n";
515 // break;
516 // case '\r':
517 // ss << "\\r";
518 // break;
519 // case '\t':
520 // ss << "\\t";
521 // break;
522 // case '$':
523 // ss << "$";
524 // break;
525 // default:
526 // ss << c;
527 // break;
528 // }
529 // }
530 // // Other data, properly formatted
531 // cmd_prep = ss.str();
532 // ccj << "\t\"directory\": \"";
533 // ccj << args->get_ptr("curr_path")->data;
534 // ccj << "\",\n";
535 // ccj << "\t\"command\": \"";
536 // ccj << cmd_prep;
537 // ccj << "\",\n";
538 // ccj << "\t\"file\": \"";
539 // ccj << word;
540 // ccj << "\"\n";
541 // ccj << "}";
542 // }
543 // }
544 // ccj << "\n]\n";
545 // ccj.close();
546 // }
547 // gen_end:
548 return;
550void CBuild::rebuild(std::string scripts) {
552 "Dont use this function direclty, simply call toolchain \"cbuild_rebuild_build_script\"",
555namespace CBuild {
557} // namespace CBuild
570std::string CBuild::get_random_string(unsigned int length) {
571 // Random string and uniform distribution, for generating char
572 const std::string characters =
573 "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-";
574 std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, characters.size() - 1);
575 // Random generator
576 std::mt19937_64 gen;
577#ifdef __linux__
578 // Open random device
579 std::ifstream urandom("/dev/urandom", std::ios::binary);
580 if (!urandom) {
581 goto pseudo;
582 }
584 // Get random data from /dev/urandom
585 std::random_device::result_type seed;
586 urandom.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&seed), sizeof(seed));
588 // Seed random generator
589 {
590 CBuild::print_full("Using /dev/urandom for seed", CBuild::MAGENTA);
591 std::seed_seq seedSeq{seed};
592 gen.seed(seedSeq);
593 goto gen;
594 }
597 // Seed random generator - fallback
598 {
599 CBuild::print_full("Using std::random_device for seed", CBuild::MAGENTA);
600 std::random_device rd;
601 gen.seed(rd());
602 }
604 // Generate random string with specified length
605 std::string randomString;
606 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
607 randomString += characters[dis(gen)];
608 }
609 return randomString;
Main headers of CBuild core.
For other included project, in cache dir.
Different representation of CBuild version.
tmp dir in cache dir
Cache directory of CBuild.
For other included project, in cache dir.
Toolchain class.
Definition Build.hpp:65
virtual void clear()
Clear all caches and builded app.
Definition Build.cpp:723
virtual void load_project_deps(std::string curr_path)
Load all project dependencies.
Definition Build.cpp:478
virtual void debug(std::vector< std::string > *args, std::vector< std::string > *pargs)
Build program in debug mode and after run gdb on it.
Definition Build.cpp:698
virtual void run(std::vector< std::string > *args)
Run builded app.
Definition Build.cpp:677
virtual void call(std::vector< std::string > *args, bool force=false, bool debug=false, bool dummy=false)
Call tollchain to execute.
Definition Build.cpp:572
Simple map implementation with some stack operation added.
Definition map.hpp:79
__SIZE_TYPE__ size()
Size of map.
Definition map.hpp:275
const _D * get(_K key)
Get element by it's key.
Definition map.hpp:159
lib::mapData< _K, _D > at(__SIZE_TYPE__ i)
Array operation, get element at index.
Definition map.hpp:223
lib::mapData< _K, _D > * get_ptr(_K key)
Get reference to key and value of map.
Definition map.hpp:175
filesystem++ api
Custom implementation of map datatype.
CBuild::Toolchain * GetToolchain(std::string name, bool force=false)
Get the registered toolchain.
Definition register.cpp:239
void CallTask(std::string name, std::vector< std::string > args)
Run tasks.
Definition register.cpp:206
CBuild::generator_base * GetGenerator(std::string id)
Get generator for specified id.
Definition register.cpp:317
void ToolchainAll(bool force, std::string path, std::vector< std::string > *args)
Call and execute all toolchains.
Definition register.cpp:293
bool exists(std::string path)
Check if file exists.
bool create(std::vector< std::string > paths, CBuild::fs::type what)
Create element.
Alias for DIRECTORY.
Filebuffer for CBuild ecosystem.
Definition Build.hpp:34
void void void print_verbose()
Enable verbose flag.
Definition print.cpp:98
void print(std::string msg, color fg=CBuild::WHITE)
Print colored text to STDOUT.
Definition print.cpp:70
int version[]
Definition CBuild.cpp:556
Definition print.hpp:34
Definition print.hpp:38
std::string get_version_string()
Return version as string.
Definition CBuild.cpp:558
int * get_version_array()
Get full CBuild version as int array of two components, no oveflow or rewrite check !
Definition CBuild.cpp:567
int get_version_major()
Get major component of CBuild version.
Definition CBuild.cpp:561
void exit(int code)
Run mode.
Definition CBuild.hpp:34
Rebuild user executable.
Definition CBuild.hpp:62
Some error occurred.
Definition CBuild.hpp:70
Build and run target in debug mode.
Definition CBuild.hpp:54
Run target.
Definition CBuild.hpp:46
Clear build output and cache.
Definition CBuild.hpp:58
Run task.
Definition CBuild.hpp:38
Build and run target.
Definition CBuild.hpp:50
Load other project deps.
Definition CBuild.hpp:66
Build target.
Definition CBuild.hpp:42
void printf(color fg, const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(printf
Some poor printf implementation.
Definition print.cpp:80
int get_version_minor()
Get minor component of CBuild version.
Definition CBuild.cpp:564
std::string get_random_string(unsigned int length)
Generate random string with specified range, on Linux can use /dev/urandom.
Definition CBuild.cpp:570
void print_none()
Fully disable all print though CBuild::print.
Definition print.cpp:101
void print_full(std::string msg, color fg=CBuild::WHITE)
Print colored text to STDOUT if verbose flag is set.
Definition print.cpp:75
void loop(RType mode, lib::map< std::string, std::string > *args)
loop of CBuild
Definition CBuild.cpp:281
void rebuild(std::string scripts)
Rebuild userspace part of CBuild.
Definition CBuild.cpp:550
Custom print that support color codes.
Register any things.